This is the blue of blue sapphire we look cherish. Vivid medium-dark blue, here set off in all its splendour against platinum. Gem weight on this cushion cut beauty is exactly (go figure) 1.00 cts.
Bands sold separately to make an elegant trio.
$ 61.85
$ 47.58
This is the blue of blue sapphire we look cherish. Vivid medium-dark blue, here set off in all its splendour against platinum. Gem weight on this cushion cut beauty is exactly (go figure) 1.00 cts.
Bands sold separately to make an elegant trio.
$ 89.48
$ 68.83
$ 55.00
$ 89.34
$ 68.72
$ 32.00
$ 74.31
$ 57.16
$ 85.75
$ 65.96
$ 20.00
$ 14.18
$ 87.75
$ 67.50
$ 32.00